Friday, September 11, 2015

Balancing Emotions

A balance of emotions is not easy feat. We live in a world of emotional ups and downs. Take it from me because I am a hot mess! I am a military veteran, a spouse to an active duty member who is currently in South Korea for a year, a mother of two young boys, and a full time graduate student. On top of all of that, anxiety and depression run in my family and my anxiety was aggravated by my military service. I struggle to have a "balanced" day. I stared getting into essential oils because I was looking for natural alternatives to just about everything in my day such as cleaning products and health and wellness. Sleep has evaded me since I joined the military and became a mother. The first oil I tried was Lavender and I had some success, but the oil blend that has put me into a restful sleep is Serenity. doTERRA's Balance blend has been the best oil for me to ground my emotions through out the day.

I am excited for what the future hold though because doTERRA is releasing their Emotional Aromatherapy kit on OCTOBER 1st. This kit will truly help balance out your wide range of emotions.

Individual oils will not be available until DECEMBER 1st.

Make your orders with me!

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