Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Natural Treatment for "Drug Resistant" Lice

Maybe you have heard about the possible “mutant” lice that are becoming resistant to the traditional treatments. 

If not, here is the article from CNN.
Have no fear though, because there is an oil for that! Here are a couple of recipes for both prevention and treatment. The credit for these go to my friend Sarah.
Lice Preventative Spray:
• 20 drops of Melaleuca Essential Oil
• 2 oz Distilled Water
• Glass Spray Bottle
 Shake well before using and spray daily on hair, hats, hoodies, coats, bed pillow, etc. to keep the lice away.

Lice-B-Gone Potion:
• 1 tsp Melaleuca Essential Oil
• 1 tsp Eucalyptus Essential Oil
• 3 tablespoon Olive Oil
 Mix and apply to the scalp. Cover hair with a tight-fitting shower cap
and let penetrate 1 hour. Rinse from hair and use a nit comb to comb
from scalp to ends. Using the nit Comb is crucial in removing the eggs,
nits and adult lice. You can also follow up by adding 2-5 drops of
Melaleuca to your shampoo and use daily for 1 week.

If you need help getting any oils you can click on the oil links or click here, then create an account. Or you email me and I will order it for you. 

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