Friday, October 16, 2015

Fitness Friday! (And a note on mental health)

This week's fitness has been pretty vanilla. I have lifted weights and ran, and that is common for my routine. I have been doing Jamie Eason's #fromflattoallthat routine (see link below). I am about 11 weeks into it and I have seen significant gains. I am stronger, leaner, and have more muscle definition than I did when I started. In addition to weight lifting, I have also ran 16 miles in the last week, which is slightly above average for me.

My journey of physical fitness has been far from glamorous and exercise is so much more than an issue of physical fitness or vanity. I was over weight growing up and I hated exercising. It was not until I joined the military that I learned that exercise took discipline and dedication. But it was not until after I had my first child that I really valued exercise. It helped me be a better mom and it was my only "alone" time.

Exercise, and I am talking vigorous exercise, is an absolute necessity for me. I suffer from intense anxiety that has been passed on from one generation to another in my family. Of my immediate family members (parents and siblings), four out of five of us have been diagnosed with depression and/or anxiety. I do not want to let it define who I am or limit my potential success as a wife, mother, friend, employee, business owner, etc. Therefore, I work out! Without that release, I feel out of control.

The link between exercise and the reduction of anxiety and depression has been studied a thousand times over. Here, the Mayo Clinic explains the link between the two and I can tell you from personal experience that they are spot on. Exercise will also increase your tolerance to stress and help you sleep better at night. 

Here is exactly what I did this week (I had to modify a little because my home gym is smaller and has less equipment than Jamie's):

 **NOTE: Make sure you are healthy enough to start an exercise routine by talking with your doctor. If you are just getting started, I do not recommend that you do the routine that I have below. I have been working out for many years. Here is a beginners strength training routine):

Run 4 miles (9:13 pace)

Run 4 miles (9:39 pace)
Lift: Chest/Back

Dumbbell (DB) Press + Incline DB Chest Press + DB Flyes - 3 x 8
Push-ups + Cable Cross-Overs + Cable Scoops - 3 x 8
Cable Bent Over Rows + Cable Push Downs + Renegade Rows - 3 x 8
Lat Pull-downs + Seated Rows + DB Pulldown - 3 x 8

Here is a video from Jamie Eason's Facebook page showing each exercise.

Run 4 miles (9:45 pace)
Lift: Arms/Abs

Incline DB Curls + Standing DB Curls + Cable Cross-body Curls - 3 x 8
Preacher Curls + Cable Conceited Curls + Hammer Curls - 3 x 8
Rope Pushdowns + Rope Overhead Extensions + Skull-crushers - 3 x 8
Overhead DB Tricep Press + Narrow Push-ups + Bench Dips - 3 x 8
Weighted Crunches + Weighted Ab Twists + Ab Tucks - 3 x 10

Arms Videos
Abs Videos

Lift: Legs

Leg Press + Walking DB Lunges + DB Squats - 3 x 8
Stiff Leg Deadlift + Lying Hamstring Curls + Alternating Jump Lunges - 3 x 8
Leg Extensions + Zerchers Step-ups + Jump Squats - 3 x 8
Standing Calf Raises + Jump Rope (100) 3 x 12

Leg Videos

Run 4 miles (10:02 pace)
Lift: Shoulders/Abs

DB Press + Lateral Raise + Rear Delt Raise - 3 x 8
Front DB Delt Raise + DB Upright Rows + DB Press - 3 x 8
Single Arm DB Snatch + Rope Face Pulls + Jump Rope (100) - 3 x 8
Reverse Crunch + V-ups + Plank Hip Dips - 3 x 8
Side Crunches + Plank Thrusts + Plank Jacks - 3 x 8

Shoulder Videos
Ab Videos

Jamie goes on to do giant sets and a cardio circuit. I will be completing those next week. Enjoy!

The Best of Jamie Eason


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