Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Past Tense (Headache Relief)

Today is my last day of my "Back to Basics" series.

Past Tense (Headache Relief) Blend

Whether it is caused by congestion or a hangover, headaches can be debilitating. The pain and tension associated with headaches can be relieved with this amazing blend of oils which includes wintergreen, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, cilantro, roman chamomile, majoram, and basil.

- Wintergreen, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Peppermint have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and can ease bone and muscle pain.

- Frankincense (the king of oils) has sedative properties and it often used to reduce inflammation and relieve headaches.

- Cilantro stimulates circulation and eases muscle aches and pains through its anti-inflammatory properties.

Simply apply to your temples, forehead, and back of neck.

doTERRA Product Page: Past Tense
Buy Past Tense here

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