Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Elevation

Today is day 17 of my "Back to Basics" series and the fourth and final post on doTERRA's mood oils.

Elevation (Joyful) Blend

Ever have a "blah" day? Who doesn't?! Elevation, also known as the Joyful blend, can take your mood from blah and to vibrant in no time! This blend contains Lavandin, Lavender, Hawaiian Sandlewood, Tangerine, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Elemi, Osmanthis, and Lemon Myrtle. It has a floral, sweet, and citrus aroma that is uniquely blended to elevate you mood, increase vitality, and provide an energizing fragrance.

The most common way that I use this oil is in a diffuser. It completely changes the ambiance of the room and truly uplifts our moods. Mornings are hectic around here and not everyone wakes up in the best of moods, but when I diffuse this in the kitchen or living room first thing in the morning we can create a positive environment and lessen the feelings of stress. I also carry a roller bottle that contains the blend and fractionated coconut oil so that I can manipulate my mood throughout the day as needed. I will apply it to my temples, wrists, and/or over my heart to elevate my mood. This is my favorite destressing oil blend!

This blend can be used aromatically and topically, but NEVER internally. It can also be applied beat, but may need to be diluted for individuals with sensitive skin. This blend contains oils that are sensitive to UV rays. See disclaimer below.

doTERRA Product Page: Elevation
doTERRA Blog Article: Make Over Your Mood with doTERRA Essential Oils
Buy Elevation here

CAUTIONS: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

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