Thursday, April 14, 2016

Essential Oils, Outdoor Summer Activities, and That Swim Suit Body! :/

As the weather gets warmer we will all be spending more time outdoors, which also means we will be exposed to more seasonal threats, bugs, and physical activity. I know for my family, summer time means we will be hiking, camping, swimming, playing sports together, cooking out, and relaxing at the lake. Here are a few suggestions for doTERRA products and essential oils that you can use throughout the summer.

TriEase Seasonal Blend: This is a blend of lavender, lemon, and peppermint in softgel form that is specifically designed to help protect you against seasonal environmental threats.* It will help to maintain clear breathing and a healthy immune system.*

DigestZen Softgel and/or Essential Oil: This is another blend that contains ginger, peppermint, caraway, coriander, anise, tarragon, and fennel. Each of these oils alone can help to aid digestion or ease occasional motion sicking, indigestion, bloating, and/or gas, but combined together, this blend is a powerful "tummy tamer".*

TerraShield: This blend has been scientifically proven to repel insects more effectively than other synthetics insect repellents. The oils in this blend are ylang ylang, nootka wood, cedarwood, catnip, lemon eucalyptus, litsea fruit, arborvitae oil as well as vanilla, franctionated coconut oil, and tamanu seed oil. A MUST HAVE for late night, outdoor activities.

Deep Blue Rub: Apply this blend on feet, knees, shoulders, back, or any other muscles or joint areas that are prone to soreness both before and after activities. This blend helps to soothe sore muscles and joints by providing a cooling then warming sensation. It is also non-greasy and does not have an unpleasant, long lasting scent like other rubs in the industry. It contains wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, German chamomile, helichrysum, osmanthus.

Slim & Sassy product line: Are you ready to show off that summer body?! :/ Ya me either...The Slim & Sassy line is designed to help provide the body with essential oils and nutrients that help manage weight, boost metabolism, and curb cravings.

There are many elements to this product line:

1. Slim & Sassy (Metabolic) Blend (essential oil): this is a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger root, and cinnamon bark.

2. Trim Shakes: A healthy, low-fat, low-sodium, low-calories, sugar-free, high-fiber snack for those trying to lose weight or maintain lean mass. Helps to manage the release of stress hormones that contribute to the accumulation of excess fat and curbs emotional eating. This product also helps to support blood sugar levels, enhance energy, and reduce fatigue associated with diet and exercise.

3. Slim & Sassy Control powder mix and snack bar: These are healthy snack that help manage appetite.

Just look at the success stories here!

A great way to get started with the Slim & Sassy weight loss program is by purchasing the doTERRA New You Kit, which includes four bottles of Slim & Sassy essential oil blend, Slim & Sassy Trim Shakes (either vanilla or chocolate), and doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality Pack, which is a daily nutrient pack that include whole food vitamins/minerals, omega fatty acids, and essential oils that support cellular vitality (MY FAVORITE PRODUCT).

Essential Oils for Summer Cooking

  • Basil                                                                              
  • Cilantro
  • Coriander
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Grapefruit
  • Wild Orange
Avocado Salsa
  • 6 medium roma tomatoes (20 ounces), seeded and dices
  • 1 cup red onion, chopped
  • 1 large or 2 small jalapeƱos , seeded and chopped (1/4 cup. Leave seeds if you like).
  • 3 medium avocados, semi-firms, but ripe, peeled, cored, and diced
  • 3 ½ Tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 - 3 drops of Lime essential oil
  • 1 - 2 drops Cilantro essential oil
  • 1 clove garlic, finely minced
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper

1.      Place red onion in strainer and rinse under cool water to remove harsh bite. Drain well and place in a large mixing bowl. Add tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and avocados.
2.      In a smaller bowl, whisk together olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and essential oils until well mixed. Pour over avocado mixture in larger bowl and gently toss together.
3.      Serve with tortilla chips or over Mexican entrees. 

After all the fun is said and done you may realize that you had TOO much fun and got a sun burn, bug bites, nausea from all the food, etc. Here are some ideas for after fun remedies (also see DigestZen above for tummy issues).

After Sun Skin Soothing Recipe
Add equal part peppermint and lavender essential oils (try 10 drops each at first) to the spray bottle and fill the rest of the way with water. Spray of burnt skin to help soothe the burning sensation. Lavender helps to promote skin healing and peppermint provides a cooling sensation to dull the burning pain.

Mix Lavender and Melaleuca essential oils with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, baby oil, almond oil, etc. and apply to wound to soothe skin, promote healing, and disinfect.

Bug Bites
Apply Lavender to bug bites to help calm skin irritations.

**Remember to keep your family safe from the sun with sunscreen as well! Do you know what your sunscreen is made of though? Could it be doing more harm than good? Read one of my previous articles called Understand Your Sunscreen. I think it will open your eyes to the danger of conventional sunscreen. Above all else, ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!

Aroma Tools. (2015). Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils (7th ed.). Pleasant Grove, UT: AromaTools.

Total Wellness Publishing. (2015). The Essential Life: A Simple Guide to Living The Wellness Lifestyle (2nd. ed.). Pleasant Grove, UT: Total Wellness Publishing.

CAUTION. Read the labels carefully for these oils. Some should not be used during pregnancy, could cause skin sensitives, and or should not be exposed to UV light for 12 hours.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Heal Your Gut With Essential Oils, Nutrition, and Supplements

First of all, if you have not read my previous article about Essential Oils and Digestion I suggested you go back and read that first.

Remember last week, we talk about how your digestive system is the first line of defense against chemicals and pathogens. When the lining of our gastrointestinal (GI) tract  is damaged, whether it be from chemical or poor diet, large, partially digested foods, chemicals, and pathogens can slip straight into the blood stream causing systemic inflammation that can lead to food allergies and autoimmune diseases. This is call Leaky Gut Syndrome. If you have not heard of this before, I suggest reading this article from Dr. Axe called 4 Step To Heal Leaky Gut And Autoimmune Disease. This week we are going to further talk about essential oils and supplements that support digestive health. 

Single Oils:

+Black Pepper: The constituents in this oil are known for their antioxidant properties, supporting circulation, and aiding in digestion.* For digestive health, take internally in a capsule or apply topically to abdomen.

Cardamon: Cardamom can be taken internally or applied topically to abdomen to ease indigestion, alleviate occasional stomach discomfort, and maintain overall GI health.*

Cilantro: This is a powerful cleanser and detoxifier.* To aid digestion and support liver and kidney health, take internally in a capsule or apply topically over liver.*

Dill: As a powerhouse for antioxidants, this oil supports digestion, purifies the body, and maintains overall GI health.* Take internally in a capsule to support digestion and the immune system.*

+Fennel: Fennel is best known for promoting healthy digestion, metabolism, liver function, and circulation.* For digestive health, take internally in a capsule or apply topically to abdomen.

+Geranium: This oil is primarily used to support an healthy integumentary system (hair, nails, and skin), but it can also be used to support liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidney health.* Apply topically to area of concern or take internally in a capsule. 

+Ginger: Ginger is lauded for supporting digestive health and helping to ease occasional indigestion and nausea.* Diffuse, take internally in a capsule, or apply to abdomen and/or wrists.

+Grapefruit: It supports healthy metabolism, uplifts mood, and improve the appearance of blemishes.* Take internally by placing a few drops in water or apply over kidneys.

+Lemon: As a natural purifier, this oil aids in digestion, supports a healthy respiratory system, and promotes a positive mood.* To detoxify body, take internally in water or apply topically to ears and ankles.* Read my article about oil here.

+Marjoram: While great for cooking, Marjoram is also used as a digestive stimulant and aids the immune system.* Take internally in a capsule or apply topically to abdomen and over pancreas. 

+Peppermint: It is a great bug repellent, helps support respiratory function and clear breathing, and promotes digestion.* To support digestive health take internally in a capsule or a cup of water or apply topically to the abdomen. Read my article about this oil here.

+Thyme: Like many of these oils, thyme can be used for cooking, can purify and cleanse the body, and supports the immune system with it's heavy load of antioxidants.* Take internally in a capsule. 

+Wild Orange: Like Cilantro, this oil is a powerful cleanser, detoxifies, and is filled with antioxidants to support immune health.* For digestive health, take internally by adding a few drops to water and drinking.  Read my article about this oil here.


DigestZen (Digestive) Blend: contains ginger, peppermint, caraway, coriander, anise, tarragon, and fennel. This blend aids in the digestion of food, soothes occasional stomach upset, and reduces bloating, gas, and indigestion.* Read my article about this oil here.

Slim & Sassy (Metabolic) Blend: contains grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon. It promote healthy metabolism, calms stomach, and helps to manage hunger.*

Zendocrine (Detoxification) Blend: contains tangerine, rosemary, geranium, juniper, and cilantro. This blend supports liver function and aids the body in purifying and detoxifying body systems.*


When you purchase doTERRA's Cleanse and Restore Kit from me, you will receive my cleansing program for FREE! (contact me to get the kit at wholesale price, dont pay retail!)

PB Assist+: This is a blend of pre- and probiotic microorganisms that encourage friendly bacterial growth. This contains 6 billion CFU of probiotics including lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus salivarius, lactobacillus casei, bifidobacterium longum, bifidobacterium lactis, and bifidobacterium bifidum.

  • lactobacillus acidophilus: relieves gas, bloating, improves lactose intolerance. Shown 61% reduction in e. coli, lower cholesterol levels, and creating of vitamin K. 
  • lactobacillus salivarius: relieves gas supports immunity and balances good bacteria in the gut.
  • lactobacillus casei: supports immunity, inhibits h. pylori, and helps fights infections.
  • bifidobacterium longum: supports liver function, reduces inflammation, and removes lead and heavy metals.
  • bifidobacterium lactis: supports immunity, improve digestion, lowers cholesterol levels, andinhibits h. pylori.
  • bifidobacterium bifidum: supports porduction of vitamins in gut, inhibits harmful bacteria, supports immune system response and prevents diarrhea. 

DigestZen (Digestive) Blend Softgels: see info above

TerraZyme (Digestive Enzyme Complex): this is a whole-food enzyme complex which are critical for healthy biochemical functions, digestion of food nutrients, and cellular metabolism of food for energy. 

Breaks down protein to peptides and amino acids*
Breaks down protein*
Breaks down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars*
Breaks down fats and oil to be absorbed in the intestine
Breaks down lactose found in milk sugars*
Alpha Galactosidase
Breaks down complex polysaccharide sugars found in legumes and
cruciferous vegetables that can cause bloating and gas*
Breaks down fiber to help digest fruits and vegetables*
Breaks down sucrose to fructose and glucose for energy*
Anti-Gluten Enzyme
Assists in breaking down gluten*
Breaks down starch*

GX Assist (GI Cleansing Formula): a blend of oregano, melaleuca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme essential oils that support a healthy gastrointestinal tract by creating an environment that only supports healthy bacteria. This blend also contains caprylic acid from coconut oil, which balances microbes in the GI tract.

L-Glutamine: this is an amino acid that supports digestive system by helping the Gi tract rebuild and repair itself as well as prevent further damage. 

  • Foods with L-Glutamine
    • Bone Broth
    • Grass-fed Beef
    • Spirulina
    • Chinese Cabbage
    • Cottage Cheese
    • Asparagus
    • Broccoli Raab
    • Wild Caught Fish (cod, salmon, tuna)
    • Venison
    • Turkey

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: Helps shuttle fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production 
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: Supports the production of ATP and acts as a powerful antioxidant in mitochondria 
  • Coenzyme Q10: Important coenzyme for energy production; supports heart health 
  • Quercetin: Provides powerful polyphenol antioxidant protection in mitochondria and other cell structures 
  • Resveratrol: Polyphenol found in red wine; supports healthy mitochonodrial biogenesis 
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Essential cofactors of energy production in cells 
  • Essential Fatty Acids: Required for cell growth; supports healthy cellular function
Alpha CRS+ (Cellular Vitality Complex): contain polyphenols that protect cells from free radicals, reduces oxidative stress on cells, and increases energy at the cellular level.

xEO Mega: this blend contains fatty acids and other fat soluble nutrients that supports heart, brain, and immune health. 

Microplex MVp (Micronutrient Complex): contains food based vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols (antioxidants).

Foods That Nourish and Heal Gut
Bone Broth
Coconut Oil
Sauerkraut and fermented veggies
Goat's milk kefir



Aroma Tools. (2015). Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils (7th ed.). Pleasant Grove, UT: AromaTools.

Axe, Joshua. (n.d.). L-glutamine benefits leaky gut & metabolism. Retrieved on 6 April, 2016 from

Axe, Joshua. (n.d.). Top 10 leaky gut supplements. Retrieved on 6 April, 2016 from

Total Wellness Publishing. (2015). The Essential Life: A Simple Guide to Living The Wellness Lifestyle (2nd. ed.). Pleasant Grove, UT: Total Wellness Publishing.

Product Information:

doTERRA Product Page:

Black PepperFennelGingerWild OrangeGrapefruitPeppermintCardamomMarjoramCilantroLemonGeraniumDillThymeDigestZenSlim & SassyZendocrinePB Assist+TerraZymeGX Assist

+ CAUTION. Read the labels carefully for these oils. Some should not be used during pregnancy, could cause skin sensitives, and or should not be exposed to UV light for 12 hours.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Re-launch of The Truth About Cancer Documentary

This is probably the most important documentary you will ever watch. It could save your life. Click on this link to watch the trailer and sign up to watch the documentary for FREE starting April 12th.

Also, take this quiz to receive a free ebook about how to prevent cancer.

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