Monday, October 12, 2015

Carrot Pasta in Marinara - Monday Munchies

Ever since I cut grains from my diet I have struggled trying to find dinner options. A typical dinner would consist of some type of protein and a vegetable. There is only so much chicken and broccoli a person can eat! I do not miss pasta in my diet, but pasta allows for a lot of versatility. This is an adaptation Jenny Sugar's carrot fettuccine recipe.

- 1 cup organic baby Bella mushrooms, sliced
- 1 organic red bell pepper, sliced
- 3 large organic carrots, peeled
- 2 cloves organic garlic, minced
- 1 tablespoon organic basil or 2 drops doTERRA basil oil
- 1 teaspoon oregano or 1 drop of doTERRA oregano oil
- 1 cup organic marinara
- 1 pound grass-fed, organic, ground beef
- 1 1/2 organic olive oil
- salt and pepper to taste


1. Place a medium sauce pan on the stove over medium high heat. Once heated, add defrosted beef. Cook all the way through while breaking up the meat.

2. Place cooked meat in a bowl and set aside.

3. In the same sauce pan, heat up the olive oil over medium heat. Add the mushrooms, bell pepper, garlic and basil. Cook for about 5-6 minutes.

4. Add marinara and carrots to the sauce pan. Continue cooking until carrots are cooked to your desired Continue cooking until carrots are cooked to your liking (firm or soft).

5. After the carrots are cooked, add beef to the sauce, stir until all contents are mixed well and heated through. Serve warm. 


Sugar, J. (2015, July). Paleo "pasta" never tasted so good. Retrieved from



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