Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Trending Tuesday - National No Bra Day


I am fortunate that I have not lost any family or friends to breast cancer, but many people are not so lucky. I know women (and men) that have fought the disease and continue to worry about the cancer coming back. Today is #NationalNoBraDay to show support for those individuals who have lost their breasts to cancer and those who cannot go braless because the bra helps to hold up their prosthesis.

You will see this hashtag trending all over social media today. Not everyone supports this particular campaign for breast cancer because they believes that it sexualizes women and mocks those who have lost their fight with the disease and those who continue to fight. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if we are talking about it, good or bad, the campaign for awareness worked.

Whatever your opinion on the campaign, I believe we all feel the same deep down. This is a disease that needs a cure. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 40,000 people in the US will die from breast cancer THIS YEAR!

Donate, complete monthly self exams, and GET TESTED!

National Cancer Institute
Donate to Susan G. Komen
Donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation


American Cancer Society. (2015). Breast cancer overview. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/overviewguide/breast-cancer-overview-key-statistics


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