Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Truth About Cancer. An Eye-Opening Experience

I've been watching "The Truth About Cancer" series and I can't even relay to you guys how much of my attention and thought it's consuming. I am already VERY motivated to live healthy and reduce my toxic load, but this has me rethinking even my guiltiest of pleasures like ice cream and wine! I already make my own cleaning products and toothpaste and I buy skin care and hair products that are derived from plants, but this series makes me think more and more about what else I can do. I worked in the healthcare system for 5 years and I can see how a lot of this information is so true. The system we have in place is broken and I just pray that no one else goes through what so many are going through right now.
I highly encourage each and every one of you guys to watch this series. It's time consuming, but absolutely eye opening. It's on YouTube. I purchased the series so that I could continue to share this with family and friends.
**I'm not blind to the fact that only one side of the argument is being presented...but, it's a VERY strong argument!

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