Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday Oil Focus - Wild Orange


doTERRA's Wild Orange essential oil is sourced from the Dominican Republic. The oil is collected from the orange peel, or rind, through the cold press method. In simple terms, cold pressing is similar to juicing. High pressure is used to extract the oil from the rind, but the cold press method does not add heat during compression.

This essential oil is high in antioxidants, which helps in fighting free radicals in the body. I also explained in my Sunday post that Wild Orange contain Linalool, which aids in the secretion of "happy" neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters energize and uplift the body and mind. The primary benefits of Wild Orange are uplifting the mind and body, provide antioxidants, and cleaning and purifying.

My favorite way to use this oil is to add equal amounts of Wild Orange and Lavender oil to the diffuser to help ease tension and calming the body. You can also mix equal amounts of Wild Orange and Peppermint oil to the diffuser or a roller bottle with coconut oil to give you an energizing boost. Lastly, add a few drops to your morning water to jump start your metabolism and provide a refreshing drink.


doTERRA International. (2012). Wild orange: Product information page. Retrieved from

Buy essential oils here


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