Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wellness Wednesday! Make your own chapstick!

Picture from doTERRA DIY Blog
Some of the most popular chapsticks, like Chapstick brand cheery chapstick, are full of questionable ingredients. See just one article about this here. Some of the ingredients can actually dry out your lips, thus making you need to use chapstick more, so you buy more! The only lip balms I like to buy are EOS because they use organic, natural, plant-based ingredients. You can buy a pack of them here from Amazon or you can make your own! Here is the recipe from doTERRA's DIY blog. I have made these before and everyone I give them to LOVES them AND they are easy to make.

1 1/2 tablespoons beeswax 
1 tablespoon coconut oil 
1/2 tablespoon shea butter 
1/2 tablespoon cocoa butter 
30 drops Wild Orange essential oil
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Large skillet/saucepan with water
Glass measuring cup

For directions (with pictures), check out the doTERRA DIY blog.

*Note: the blog uses round containers, but I like using the tube because then you do not always have to dip your fingers into the container and spread germs.

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