Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Essential Oils and Digestion

Our digestive system is a long pathway in our bodies that is responsible for breaking down and processing food, absorbing nutrients, and expelling waste. Over our lifetime, our digestive system will break down more than 25 tons of food! System organs include our mouth, spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, and colon. For more about each organ’s responsibilities, read Dr. Axe’s article about How Your Digestive System Works.

We commonly believe this is our digestive system’s only job, process food, but it is also our first line of defense again infection and works closely with our immune system. Think about this, through the food we eat and liquid we drink the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is exposed to pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In concert with our immune system, our GI tract works tirelessly to break down those pathogens at various stages of digestion. Without this process, our GI tract is the perfect warm, moist, dark location for colonization. With this relentless barrage of food, chemicals, and pathogens, our GI tract never gets a break. The lining of our digestive system must always protect itself while also discriminating particles that are permitted through to the blood stream.

Digestive problems are becoming more prevalent within the United States population. In 2010, it was estimated that 60-70 million people were affected by digestive diseases and there were 245, 921 deaths (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases). The total cost of these digestive problems, which includes both direct and indirect costs, was $141 billion in 2004. The most common GI problems include gas, bloating, excessive diarrhea, constipation, and inability to absorb nutrients. There is also overwhelming medical evidence that there is a link between our digestive system and emotional health, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. The most astounding part about all this is that these problems are preventable!

It all starts with nutrition. This cannot be stressed enough. I think that there is a lot of misinterpretation of information by consumers. Many of us think we are eating healthy because we are eating low fat, or low carb diets or eating “clean”. These are all buzz words that do not really mean a whole lot if you do not truly understand what you are putting into your body. It is important to eat organic, nutrient dense foods. Lot of vegetables of course, free range chicken, grass feed beef, fermented foods, and absolutely no processed sugar or conventional meat and dairy products. That may sound like a lot, but I promise that it is easier than you think. It is important to also know what triggers an adverse response from the gut; Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) kill gut bacteria because they are loaded with chemicals; antibiotics kill EVERYTHING in the gut; gluten, processed sugar (feed yeast in intestines) and conventional dairy can all wreak havoc. Check out this video from Buzzfeed that will totally turn you off to conventional meats and dairy. 

You also should consume pre and probiotics because we absolutely need good strains of bacteria in our guts for immune support. We should also use essential oils that support digestive organ health and remove harmful bacteria. Lastly, exercise has a huge influence on your digestive health. As mentioned before, stress and emotional problems can affect our bowls in horrible ways. Physical activity and stress management techniques are imperative for keeping the digestive system working at optimal levels.

Just remember this, your immune system starts in your gut! Support the gut and everything else will fall into place!

Disease/Disorders Associated with Gut Health
(Read Dr. Axe’s article about gut and autoimmune disease: link below)

Grave’s Disease
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Single Oils
Stomach: black pepper, fennel, ginger, wild orange
Stomach /intestinal lining: grapefruit, peppermint
Intestines: cardamom, ginger, marjoram, peppermint
Liver: cilantro, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary
Gallbladder: geranium, grapefruit
Pancreas: dill, fennel, geranium, ginger, thyme
Buy essential oils from me here

DigestZen (Digestive) Blend: supports digestion and elimination
Slim & Sassy (Metabolic) Blend: supports stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, fat digestion, and satiation
AromaTouch (Massage) Blend: supports peristalsis and bowel tone
Zendocrine (Detoxification) Blend: supports gallbladder, liver, and pancreas
Buy essential oils from me here

PB Assist+ (Defensive Probiotic): You need a supplement with at least 50 billion IU
DigestZen (Digestive) Blend Softgels
TerraZyme (Food Enzymes)
GX Assist (GI Cleansing) Softgels
L-gutamine: crucial amino acid for gut health
Buy supplements from me here

Foods That Nourish and Heal Gut
Bone Broth
Coconut Oil
Sauerkraut and fermented veggies
Goat's milk kefir

Essential Oil Usage Tips
Internal: Place 1 - 5 drops in water and drink, take in capsule, or place drops under tongue.
Topical: Apply essential oils to abdomen and/or bottoms on feet.

Remedy Recipes
IBS Relief*:
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Peppermint
2 drop Fennel
2 drops Ginger
Combine oils in capsule and take three times a day with meals.

Constipation Remedy*:
7 drops Wild Orange
5 drops Coriander
4 drops Lemon
4 drop DigestZen
2 drop Ginger
Combine in 2 oz. spray bottle; fill about 1/2 full of carrier oil. Spray on belly and rub in clockwise motion for three to five minutes.

Combine 1 drop each of -DigestZen, Zendocrine, and Oregano in a capsule. Consume to ease digestive discomfort, stomach pain and bloating.

Navel Drop:
Add 1 drop of essential oil (choose one to meet specific digestive needs) into belly bottom for relief.

Axe, J. (n.d.) How Your Digestive System Works. Retrieved from

Axe. J. (n.d.). 4 Steps To Heal Leaky Gut And Autoimmune Disease. Retrieved from

Center for Disease Control. (2011). National hospital ambulatory medical care survey: 2011 outpatient department summary tables. Retrieved from

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestives and Kidney Diseases. (2014). Health statistics: Digestive disease statistics for the United States. Retrieved from

Total Wellness Publishing. (2015). The Essential Life: A Simple Guide to Living The Wellness Lifestyle (2nd. ed.). Pleasant Grove, UT: Total Wellness Publishing

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How Essential Oils Effects Body Systems

Think of your body as an intricate machine. It is composed of several large systems that each has their own smaller, more detailed structure. Each system must operate on its own and with other systems in order for the machine to function. Like the machine, our body is divided into multiple systems and each one contains individual organs. Each body system, each organ, each layer of tissue, and each cell must function on its own as well as with the other systems of the body. It only takes one faulty or worn-out body system to effectively “break” the entire machine. Just like it is a mechanic’s job to figure out why the machine is not operating, it is our job to be educated about our bodies so that we can support our body systems when symptoms arise.

The current way of thinking about health and disease is incredibly narrow. Our motivation for seeking out a physician is to just “feel better” or “get rid of the symptoms”. In other words, we acknowledge we are feeling bad, identify symptoms, seek remedies (usually in the form of over-the-counter or prescription drugs), and continue on with our daily routines. The problem is, all we did was manage symptoms and ignored the underlying cause and our body’s needs. This is called the ambulance approach to healthcare.

The Essential Life, 2015
The holistic approach to wellness promotes living with a prevention mindset and addressing root causes when symptoms arise by providing support to the entire body system (Total Wellness Publishing, 2015). With this approach, symptoms arise, you identify symptoms and consider which body system they are coming from, research conditions within that system that best relate to what you are experiencing, and seek remedies by learning which oil supports and strengthens that system. You are addressing the root causes and giving your body what it needs in order to heal and prevent future symptoms verses managing those symptoms, which will likely come back in the future. The outcome of the holistic approach is that you have gained knowledge and an understanding of body systems and how they function. This is a lifestyle approach and you are also considering habits that contribute to the symptoms such as diet, sleep, exercise, stress, etc.

Let’s use an example. I go to the doctor for a routine check-up and my blood panel results state that I have high LDL (bad) cholesterol. I am going to assume that my doctor will ask me about my lifestyle habits, such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress, etc. He/she will also ask if I have a family history of high cholesterol and what medications I am taking. I tell them, no, I do not have a family history or take medications, I exercise on most days, sleep 7-8 hours a night, and I have a good diet. Hmmmm, why do I still have high cholesterol? At this point, depending on my age, the doctor will likely want to put me on a cholesterol medication. This is the ambulance approach.

Using the holistic approach, I would research which body system controls cholesterol levels, which is the cardiovascular system. How does my body synthesize cholesterol? What does my body need in order to manage blood lipid (fat) levels? After some research, I learn that cholesterol is needed in order to create cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids that help break down fat in my diet. A study that was featured in an article on Dr. Mercola's website stated that vitamin D and calcium supplements improve lipid profiles. The name of the article is The Importance of Vitamin D for Normalizing Your Cholesterol Levels. This is not a surprise since vitamin D is the #1 and #2 vitamin and mineral deficiency in women and men, respectively. Here is another link, heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the United States, and high cholesterol is the leading health concern that contributes to heart disease.

After all my research, I now have the tools in order to start normalizing my cholesterol level WITHOUT drugs. The biggest reason I want to do this the natural way is because it is more sustainable over my lifetime and like most drugs, there are side effects. My plan consists of getting at least 20 minutes of sun exposure per day (even on cloudy days), taking a calcium supplement (food based, of course), and incorporating essential oils that help the cardiovascular system. The best part about adding essential oils to my regime is that their complex chemistry supports other systems and organs simultaneously. I may be using them to support my cardiovascular system, in this case, but they could also be supporting my digestive system, lymphatic system, and so on.

Essential oils have needless applications. I use them to treat and prevent aliments, make cleaning and beauty supplies, and I even cook with them. Over the next few weeks I will explore how essential oils suport different body systems. Stay tuned!

Buy essential oils here

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Product: Available and Ready for Shipment (Updated 3/20) *Fill Out Order Form --> To Purchase

5mL Holiday Blend $8.20 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 2

5mL Lemon $3.40 + Tax/Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: 2

5mL AromaTouch $8.70 + Tax/Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: 1

5ml Balance $6.70 + Tax/Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: SOLD OUT
Women's Bone Nutrient Complex
$17.50 + Tax + $2.65 Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: 1
15 mL White Fir - $20 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1
15mL Rosemary $14 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1
15mL Clove $14 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: SOLD OUT
15mL Lime $13 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1
5mL Deep Blue Oil $32 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 2
Spa Hand and Body Lotion $14.50 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 2
10mL Roll-on HD Clear $21 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 2
5mL Citrus Bliss $5 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1

5mL Lavender $7 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1
5mL Serenity $10 + Tax/Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: 1

5mL Cardamom $26 + Tax/Shipping
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Quantity: 1
5mL Peppermint $6.85 + Tax/Shipping
Product Info
Quantity: 2

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Essential Oils and Children

+ Photo does not include all suggested oils
As a mother, I am always worried about my boys’ physical health and emotional development. My husband and I spent many sleepless nights struggling to remedy aliments with ineffective treatments. I wish that someone had talked to me about oils sooner. We experienced sleep issues, colic, diaper rash, reflux, baby acne, cradle cap, and hand, foot, mouth disease. Those are just the issues we dealt with in the infant stages. Like every kid, once they started going to daycare and school they were exposed to other bacteria, fungi, and viruses. As their immune systems adjusted to these new pathogens they got sick and I did not have effective forms of treatment available.

Physical health is not my only concern. Mental and emotional health are always in the front of my mind because mental health disorders run in my family. That is an extreme example of what parents have to deal with though. Every parent, regardless of genetics, deals with temper tantrums, sadness, emotional upset, hyperactivity, and stress with their kids.

The good news is, essential oils are versatile and very gentle and therefore, can be used on children of all ages. See dilution chart below for young children. My kids love using the oils and I take it as an opportunity to teach them about self-care. 
Here are some suggestions on oils that you can use on your kiddos. Also check out the doTERRA Science Blog post about kids and oils (link below).

Single Oils

-  Lavender: all things calming (most used oil for children), soothes skin irritations

- Wild Orange: calming/uplifting, digestive support, sedative

- Frankincense: supports brain, mood, and wound healing*, grounding, balance mood

- Roman Chamomile: supports sense of calm and relaxation, sedative, diffuses negative thoughts/moods*
- Melalueca: cleanses skin and nails


- Serenity (Calming Blend): supports sense of peace and calm, lessens feelings of tension

- Balance (Grounding Blend): supports feeling grounded and stable

- DigestZen (Digestive Blend): supports digestion and elimination

- OnGuard (Protective Blend): boosts immune system*, natural anti-oxidant*

- InTune (Focus Blend): supports optimal focus and concentration
- Breathe (Respiratory Blend): maintains feeling of clear airways, minimizes effects of seasonal threats


-          a2z Children's Chewable: food based vitamins and minerals

-          IQ Mega: liquid omega-3 supplement flavor with orange essential oil

Usage Tips

Children love to explore and learn and are naturally curious. This is a great opportunity to involve them in your use of essential oil and have them help you make personalized roller bottles for them. Allow them to smell the oils to build a sense of safety and tell them what the oil is used for. You will create a love of oils for them too!

-          Aromatic: Use oils at bedtime with a diffuser or smell the oils directly from a bottle. Older kids can have roller bottles in their backpack that they can use during the day to help them maintain focus and concentration.

-          Topical: When topically using oil on younger children (infants and toddlers), you always want to dilute them with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut or almond oil and massage on back, stomach, or feet. With older child, you can apply oils directly onto their skin (NEAT), but you want to limit it to one or two drops. If they have any kind of skin reaction, then dilute the oils as necessary. See chart below for dilution recommendations.

Learn about more uses for the oils here
doTERRA Science Blog Article: Essential Oils and Kids
Purchase Essential Oils here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Past Tense (Headache Relief)

Today is my last day of my "Back to Basics" series.

Past Tense (Headache Relief) Blend

Whether it is caused by congestion or a hangover, headaches can be debilitating. The pain and tension associated with headaches can be relieved with this amazing blend of oils which includes wintergreen, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, cilantro, roman chamomile, majoram, and basil.

- Wintergreen, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Peppermint have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and can ease bone and muscle pain.

- Frankincense (the king of oils) has sedative properties and it often used to reduce inflammation and relieve headaches.

- Cilantro stimulates circulation and eases muscle aches and pains through its anti-inflammatory properties.

Simply apply to your temples, forehead, and back of neck.

doTERRA Product Page: Past Tense
Buy Past Tense here

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Immortelle (Anti-Aging Blend)

This is day 18 of my "Back to Basics" series.

Immortelle (Anti-Aging) Blend

This is my favorite blend for skin imperfections! This is called the Anti-Aging blend, but it does not matter what your age is, everyone is susceptible to aging skin. Our lifestyle habits affect how quickly our bodies start showing signs of aging. Factors that affect your skin's condition include nutrition, stress, exercise, sleep, smoking, hydration, and environmental pollution. It is never too late to make lifestyle changes!

Immortelle is a blend that is formulated to protect and nourish your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. The oils in this blend are rare and are well-known for their renewing properties. The blend includes Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandlewood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, and Rose. These oils help reduce inflammation, promote cellular vitality, and protect your skin from UV radiation.

Apply a thin layer to your face, neck, and chest as part of your morning and night facial routine. I also will apply the oil to my "areas of concern" like the fine lines around my eyes and the deep wrinkles in my forehead. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this oil blend!

This oil should only be used topically and use with caution if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

doTERRA Product Page: Immortelle
Buy Immortelle here

CAUTIONS: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Elevation

Today is day 17 of my "Back to Basics" series and the fourth and final post on doTERRA's mood oils.

Elevation (Joyful) Blend

Ever have a "blah" day? Who doesn't?! Elevation, also known as the Joyful blend, can take your mood from blah and to vibrant in no time! This blend contains Lavandin, Lavender, Hawaiian Sandlewood, Tangerine, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Elemi, Osmanthis, and Lemon Myrtle. It has a floral, sweet, and citrus aroma that is uniquely blended to elevate you mood, increase vitality, and provide an energizing fragrance.

The most common way that I use this oil is in a diffuser. It completely changes the ambiance of the room and truly uplifts our moods. Mornings are hectic around here and not everyone wakes up in the best of moods, but when I diffuse this in the kitchen or living room first thing in the morning we can create a positive environment and lessen the feelings of stress. I also carry a roller bottle that contains the blend and fractionated coconut oil so that I can manipulate my mood throughout the day as needed. I will apply it to my temples, wrists, and/or over my heart to elevate my mood. This is my favorite destressing oil blend!

This blend can be used aromatically and topically, but NEVER internally. It can also be applied beat, but may need to be diluted for individuals with sensitive skin. This blend contains oils that are sensitive to UV rays. See disclaimer below.

doTERRA Product Page: Elevation
doTERRA Blog Article: Make Over Your Mood with doTERRA Essential Oils
Buy Elevation here

CAUTIONS: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

Monday, March 7, 2016

"Back to Basics" - Top Ten doTERRA Oil Blends - Citrus Bliss

This is day 16 of my "Back to Basics" series and the third post on mood oils.

Citrus Bliss (Invigorating) Blend

This is such a great mood lifting blend! I love the combination of oils included in this blend, which are wild orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, tangerine, clementine, and vanilla. Whenever you feel down, unmotivated, or mentally sluggish, this is the oil blend to reach for. Not only does it cleanse and purify the air, it also reduces stress, and positively affects your mood! You can read more about how to make over your mood with essential oils in the doTERRA article that is linked below.

My favorite way to use this oil is in a diffuser (sometimes with peppermint). You can also use this oil as a perfume by applying to wrists and neck. To freshen laundry, add a couple of drops of oil to dryer balls (I buy mine on Amazon) and add to laundry in the dry cycle. This is really a life saver oil when I am feeling down, depressed, unmotivated, or lonely. I find it extremely helpful to diffuser this oil in my bathroom in the morning when I am getting ready for the day. It puts me in a great mood and changes my outlook.

This blend can be used aromatically and topically, but NEVER internally. It can also be applied beat, but may need to be diluted for individuals with sensitive skin. This blend contains oils that are sensitive to UV rays. See disclaimer below.

doTERRA Product Page: Citrus Bliss
doTERRA Blog: Make Over Your Mood with doTERRA Essential Oils
Buy Citrus Bliss here

CAUTIONS: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

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